Inspire hope one loaf at a time
Donate Today
“Overlook and forgive weaknesses of generous people, because if they fall down, the Hand of God lifts them. ” - Ali Ibn Abu Talib (as)

Volunteer Your Time
We’d love to receive your help, and so will the community we provide for. Please see our "Events" page or our social media pages to see when our volunteers will be needed next and contact us at loaf_mke@yahoo.com for additional information.
Monetary Donation
Monetary donations empower us to obtain the essential items we distribute to our communities.
We accept donations through two methods:​
Zelle/Chase Quickpay: loaf_mke@yahoo.com
PayPal: PayPal.me/LOAF12
Sponsor an Event
Sponsor our next event by donating funds necessary to run the event or by donating items needed for the event. (Ex. covering the cost of a meal tray or cooking and bringing the meal tray to the event)​
Please contact us at loaf_mke@yahoo.com for more information.
Disclaimer: LOAF does not discriminate providing any services or donations based on gender, sex, age, race, ethnicity, color, religion, or any other bias factors.
Contact Us
You may reach us at loaf_mke@yahoo.com or use the form below
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @loaf_mke